Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Product Review: The Feed Zone Cookbook

I remember several years ago, I attended a a seminar where Allen Lim was speaking. It was primarily a seminar about training with power, however, in the two hours the talk lasted, Dr. Lim packed in about 4 hours worth of knowledge on all kinds of things from his training philosophy to nutrition and lots of other topics as well.. It was definitely an eye opener for me as it changed a lot of the ways I thought about preparing for racing bicycles.

I've been following Dr. Lim since then and a couple of years ago had heard about his rice cake recipe. I found a version on youtube, and really liked them for an on the bike or an anytime small meal.

When I heard he was co-writing a cook book, I knew I had to have it. Coatney's mom got it for me for Christmas and we've been using that book like crazy since then. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to eat better. In addition to 150+  easy to prepare recipes, it's got tons of nutritional info as well. Overall, the book is presented very well and is easy to read and follow.

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