After the Firehill crit on Saturday, I had decided a few weeks earlier that I was going to apply for my cat 2 upgrade regardless of the race outcome. As luck would have it, I was sick all weekend with some kind of upper respiratory infection, so the outcome was not good, however, as of Tuesday I'm now officially a cat 2!
By Wednesday, my legs and mental state of wanting to go fast were 110%, but my lungs were only about 80% and still clogged up with a lot of junk.
My daughter Chloe giving the look of pain that's about to be experienced.
So the points for the April series going into this race were: 1st place with 25 points was Phillip on Metro VW, Evan who is also on the Metro VW team was in second with 19 points. I was tied for third with Phillip from OKC Velo with 15 points each, and my Foss1l teammate Jeremy was in 5th with 13 points.
Phillip from OKC Velo didn't show for the last race, so I ended up getting 3rd overall in the series with my 1 point for 6th place.

This was probably the hottest day so far this year with the temperature close to 90 degrees.

This was probably the hottest day so far this year with the temperature close to 90 degrees.
I think because of this, the start was not quite as fast as it has been lately.

I got in another short lived break with Rob from Team Undiscovered and Paul from OKC Velo.
We were soon joined by Phillip and Jeremy, Then Gil and Evan. It looked like we were pretty isolated from the main field, but eventually, everything came back together.
I felt ok for the first half of the race, but I was once again in survival mode for the second half.
The OKC Velo guys did an excellent job with posting results and series points on their website. They also had a lap counter at the start/finish line that defiantly helped in keeping me motivated to keep going. 6 laps to go just 5 more.......
Warr Acres Loco Evan Bybee attacks the field as his brother "little" Tony looks on.
Fellow co-worker and Warr Acres loco Brandon, AKA B$ pretty much dominated the B series taking 2 firsts and an easy series win.
There are a couple of TTs coming up plus a couple of other races that I may or may not do. I've decided to skip the Joe Martin stage race this year. I'm pretty excited to do the Tulsa Tough in late May, plus there are a TON of races in June, so I guess I'm somewhat on a spring break from racing until the Tulsa Tough.