Thursday, September 27, 2012

Different Route Every Day September Progress...

It's not working out quite like I was hoping, but I'm pretty sure I can say I haven't taken a duplicate route either way all month. The problem is that really, there's only so many ways in any direction out of my neighborhood. Also there's only a few ways to get around some of the local highways. There are a ton of roads that I've gone down that I never have before, which is pretty cool. There are a lot more little neighborhood parks that I never really realized were there.

I have discovered a few new routes that I'll probably work into the daily commute rotation. I've definitely gotten lost a few times. Well, not lost, but caught in a circle of doubling back after running into a dead end. Not too big of a deal, but I'm usually running tight on time, so a couple of times the commute ended up being a time trial.

I've also found a few shortcuts on the cyclocross bike. I think I need to explore a few more of those.

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