Friday, January 27, 2012

Double headwind all the way....

I knew last night when I checked the weather that today was going to be a little rough. The forecast was for a pretty good south wind in the morning, then switching to north around 4:00PM. The forecast was correct. About 15 mph riding to work and 20 mph riding home. Actually pretty normal for around here wind speed wise, but you usually get to enjoy a tailwind one way. It wasn't too bad. I just put my head down, found a rhythm and plugged away.

I wanted to do a post about challenges and overcoming them and the headwind all the way kind of paralleled the way our season went for our race team last year. I remember having a thought while we were riding along last weekend. This time last year, it seemed like we were on top of the world. It looked as though we had 6 strong guys on our cat 1/2 team. Everyone was riding consistent and strong, and at the time is seemed like we could have a dream season as a team. The team rides were optimistic and carefree and I just knew we were going to go out and just kill it.

Long story short, it took exactly 1 race for everything to change. It quickly became apparent that the team was now down to Rob and I. We still didn't have a horrible season. Some races went really well and some were a little embarrassing. Either way, in addition to the early season challenges, we had issues with getting product in a timely manner, and then lost another couple up and coming riders late in the season to a rival team. In many ways, I think the original core group of guys on the team were ready to turn the page and focus on 2012.

The thing is, 2011 was a big challenge. I feel like we pushed our way through it and got a little tougher and stronger from it.

Fast forward to our training camp weekend. As we were riding, I remember thinking about everything that happened last year. There were times on our rides where it was silent and no one was talking and when I looked around, the look in my team mates eyes was different this year. It was more of a look of someone that's been through the ringer. Battle tested, beat down, focused and hungry.
Don't get me wrong, we're still having fun. The training camp was one of the funnest weekends I've ever had with my teammates, but everyone seems more aware of the unpredictability of bicycle racing.

I think the attitude is rubbing off on a lot of the new guys. I think I can speak for all of us when I say we're excited to get the 2012 season started and go out and compete.


  1. That's good stuff Joey. Glad Rob posted the link to your blog in our FB Group.

  2. Great post! Dig the hunger!
